Buy-Sell Guest Post is a platform that merchandise guest posts only with no limitation to minimum guest posts or any SEO metrics. Further, there’s no evaluation for home page features or any other requirements.
This is depending on you because many of the sellers are working full time while some are considering this platform as part-time work. You can use the BSGP platform as much as you want and make some extra money out of it.
There are no joining fees for the BSGP whereas you don’t any subscription charges to list your websites. We just charge 10% of each transaction while the rest 90% is yours.
Once you complete your order, your earnings would be transferred to your BSGP account immediately. It would require 30 days to transfer it in your withdrawal account (PayPal or Payoneer).
Please note that we review every payment withdrawal request. Kindy make sure your given backlinks stay live to make your payment clear.